Yazar | : | Compilation |
Editör | : | Ömer Engin LÜTEM |
Yıl | : | April 2009 |
Dil | : | Türkçe |
ISBN | : | 978-605-60619-0-5 |
Fiyat | : | 0.00 TL |
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The Armenian Question, which with some intervals has existed for more than 120 years, is very complex and has many aspects; therefore, it should be studied in a multidisciplinary way. This problem Turkey faces is not merely the study of historical events that happened nearly a century ago. The problem resides in the allegations of genocide which would lead, as some militant circles hope, to the payments of reparations and to cession of some territory to Armenia. Therefore, it is necessary to go beyond the historical perspective and also study the Armenian Question from the vantage points of international relations, law, sociology and psychology. Furthermore, Turkey’s and Azerbaijan’s relations with Armenia are significant components of the Armenian Question. In sum, an interdisciplinary approach is required for the proper analysis of this problem. This book thus intends to give an overall analysis of the Armenian Question by utilizing all these disciplines and is the first book (at least in Turkey) which uses that method.